God is inviting us to be people whom others will experience the Kingdom of God breaking through for them, people...
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Our Latest Talks
Devotion to the King and His Kingdom
Again, Kenya is a few weeks to its big elections. We are not to be unengaged but our engagement is...
The radically inclusive love of God
John4:10 (NIV) Jesus answered, “If you knew the generosity of God and who I am, you would be asking me...

God in us all | Deliverance

God in us all | All for Love
True power serves love, not the other way round. Where the presence of God is, so is his power to...

God in us all | Am I the right anyone?
Jesus promises that anyone who believes in Him will have streams of living water flowing from them referring to the...

God in us all | Prophecy
When God pours out his Spirit we receive authority to speak his word. The spirit of God and the word...

God in us all | Come, we go.
The father is more than willing to pour out his Spirit. And it is for anyone who will ask. You...

God in us all | The Promise that Excited Jesus
Jesus was very excited as he talked about us receiving the Holy Spirit. This promise excited him, that as it...

Psalm 91 (Lectio Divina
April 24, 2022Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Highest will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of...

The Man Who Conquered the Devil
April 17, 2022Jesus came and did what the first Adam failed at. He conquered the devil. Through his life, ministry and finally...

Take Up Your Cross and Walk with Me
April 9, 2022There is a cost to discipleship. The cost is the cross of self-denial. Love the Lord your God with all...