The stories we have believed about ourselves become the identity we live our lives from. We get most of these...

The stories we have believed about ourselves become the identity we live our lives from. We get most of these...
Sin, done by you, to you, or around you, impacts you and those around you. And unless dealt with some...
One of the things we inherit from our families of Origin is blessing. All families derive their name from God...
For Jesus, it was common practice to withdraw from the crowds, go to a lonely place, and quietly be with...
Our lives are an unfolding story. We write this story one decision at a time. When living out current moments...
Our Culture’s best advice is to follow one’s heart. But that is never helpful as we have all experienced when...
Joy is a gift from God, it is also a practice we need to have. As the year ends it...
We must do all we can to keep the unity of the Spirit. Where there is no unity, dishonour prevails,...
Honour is a big deal in the Kingdom of God. Honour is what sustains relationships. We can only follow Jesus...
The Invitation into the community of Jesus is an invitation to be part of a family.
Following Jesus can only be fully realised when we commit ourselves to do it within and alongside a loving community...
We would like to be formed to be as generous as our father in heaven is. Generosity is more than...