esus, the God man, our creator, sustainer, son of the living God, lay down his life for you and me....

esus, the God man, our creator, sustainer, son of the living God, lay down his life for you and me....
Noah Gitau talks to us about how God created us to serve Him by serving others and talks about ways...
We were all created for connection. God created us in His image to be in communion with Him but what...
We have been called individually and as a community to join God in what he is doing in Nakuru and...
Adam Mosley Revisits the Purpose for the existence of Trinity Vineyard Church Nakuru. Talks about being a God-centered community rich...
Jesus was never interested in hanging out with the “right” people. He was much more interested in encouraging the down...
Whether physically blind or spiritually or emotionally blind, Jesus came to give sight. Adam Mosley discusses how followers of Jesus...
Jesus came to bring freedom for prisoners – those who have done wrong and those who haven’t, those who have...
Adam Mosley kicks off a new series called Big Top by looking at what it means to be a church that brings...