In this deeply profound sermon, we take a reflective journey back to Pentecost Sunday, the birth of the Christian Church,...
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Our Latest Talks
Being The Church | Radically Naturally Supernatural
God will meet you in the ordinary things of life if you are just obedient and open to and expectant...
Here on this Altar | The Heart
We underscore the significance of recognising one’s heart as the ultimate altar, highlighting the necessity of stirrings within the heart...
Does God Heal Today?
Today Edgar focuses on the question, “Does God Heal Today?” Does healing happen today? Does God heal today? Yes. Through...
As God touches our lives, we get to touch others, and Healing is part of it.
God always uses unimpressive things to bring about the miraculous work of healing, Jesus refers to Gods healing coming in...
Healing and Its Place In Our Discipleship to Jesus.
Healing held significant prominence in Jesus’ ministry, embodying a fundamental aspect of his teachings. Following Jesus involves a profound commitment...
What is the Bible
As we meditate on scripture we not only get the interpretation of what the scripture is, but scriptures then begins...
Pesence is What Heals Shame
Every time we live life forgetting God, shame enters the story, we keep asking “who am I”? when we forget...
Looking Back to Move Forward | God is in the Business of Redeeming Stories
Even satan participated as a witness that things can change he tempted Jesus to change /turn stone to bread, all...
Looking Back To Moving Forward: Identity, Father Wounds,Forgiveness
“We have been looking at our family history in our series Looking backward, moving forward. In this interview with a...
Looking Back to Move Forward | Stories We beleive about Ourselves.
The stories we have believed about ourselves become the identity we live our lives from. We get most of these...
Looking Back to Move Forward | Generational Sin
Sin, done by you, to you, or around you, impacts you and those around you. And unless dealt with some...