Fasting | Lent

Fasting | Lent

Fasting is a joyful act of surrender, aligning body, mind, and spirit to draw closer to God in devotion and dependence.

Keeping The Sabbath | Q&R Sabbath Series

Keeping The Sabbath | Q&R Sabbath Series

The Sabbath invites us into Rest, Delight, and Worship. First, we rest—stepping away from work to trust God as our provider. Then, we delight—enjoying God’s creation and finding joy in life’s blessings. Finally, we worship—turning our hearts to God in praise and deepening our relationship with Him. Through this rhythm, the Sabbath refreshes our bodies,...

Keeping The Sabbath | Stop to Seek God’s Justice

Keeping The Sabbath | Stop to Seek God’s Justice

We reach a place of “enough” when we realize that it’s not about what we have, but who we have. We practice contentment by learning to say “stop.” We pause from our work and desires for one day, observing the Sabbath. This day of rest is not just for ourselves, but also a way to...

Keeping The Sabbath | Stop To Celebrate

Keeping The Sabbath | Stop To Celebrate

The Sabbath is a day of rest, worship, and celebration rooted in the rhythm of creation. It is a gift from God, not just a commandment, where one is invited to disengage from work and activities that create desire. Instead, the Sabbath is a time to engage in worship, gratitude, and joyful celebration. The importance...

Keeping The Sabbath | Stop to Worship

Keeping The Sabbath | Stop to Worship

The Sabbath is Holy, meaning it has been set aside for the purpose of worship. We are invited to keep the Sabbath Holy. You can arrange the Day when you enter the Sabbath around acts of devotion to God. It is not like a day off, it is a day for us to intentionally enter...

What is the Bible

What is the Bible

As we meditate on scripture we not only get the interpretation of what the scripture is, but scriptures then begins to interpret us. Meditating on the scripture and the promises of God day and night is a practice recommended for our spiritual growth, reflection, and connection with God.

Where’s Jesus? Sitting Quietly, Alone With His Father

Where’s Jesus? Sitting Quietly, Alone With His Father

We must always engage with the world from a place of having been with the father. Communal worship must overflow from a place of private worship. This is why you find Jesus being led to solitude right before he begins his ministry and throughout his life, you will see him retreat to solitude to pray...

A Sacrifice of Praise

A Sacrifice of Praise

We were designed to praise. When we praise God we find it fits, it is exactly what we were created for. Sometimes, however, it does not come naturally. We find it difficult sometimes to offer up praise and wonder how we even could. In this weeks talk, Joy talks about a sacrifice of praise. An...

Diving into Our Design

Diving into Our Design

We have been having conversations over the last few months around God being unchanging, and who we are in Him. In this series we are looking at our response to these things, that we were designed to praise God. What is praise truly? And how can we praise God in whatever situation we are in?...

Lift Up Your Hands

Lift Up Your Hands

“I lift my hands to believe again” Our posture affects our worship. Our body changes our mind which changes our outcome. This is not hocus pocus. it’s the way God made us. So, I think it makes sense to thank God for making us this way – for giving us a way to draw nearer...

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