Live out a Story Worth Telling

Live out a Story Worth Telling

Our lives are an unfolding story. We write this story one decision at a time. When living out current moments we can oftentimes become myopic and unable to see the ultimate and end up making decisions that are good for the immediate but leave us with stories we are not so proud to tell. How...

You Owe to Yourself to be Honest with Yourself

You Owe to Yourself to be Honest with Yourself

Our Culture’s best advice is to follow one’s heart. But that is never helpful as we have all experienced when later in regrets we ask ourselves, “What was I thinking?”. That is because we easily deceive ourselves when our minds are made up about something. Of our hearts, scripture says they are deceitful above all...

Changed. Mind.

Changed. Mind.

All those who have put their trust in Jesus have been made new creation. God is renewing creation and He has started with you. This is how God sees us. And for us to step into this reality, we must have our minds renewed too. If we are to live our lives as new creation,...

Where’s Jesus? Sitting Quietly, Alone With His Father

Where’s Jesus? Sitting Quietly, Alone With His Father

We must always engage with the world from a place of having been with the father. Communal worship must overflow from a place of private worship. This is why you find Jesus being led to solitude right before he begins his ministry and throughout his life, you will see him retreat to solitude to pray...

Anchored in the Unchanging God

Anchored in the Unchanging God

In a fast-changing world, we desperately look for where to anchor our souls, our identity and our future. Human beings are meant to find somewhere to anchor ourselves so that we are not overwhelmed by the constant change and this year has had so much change in so short a time. We can safely anchor...

Battle Strategy

Battle Strategy

Is it not interesting that sometimes even the wisest people we know do not make very smart choices and end up in places we did not expect them? Just like King Solomon who was the wisest person that ever lived.  Well that is because in life it is direction that determines destination. Not great intentions...

All I Do Is Win

All I Do Is Win

The things that matter in life are often very poor competitors for our time, our investment and commitment. It is easy to even do those areas of our lives without knowing what we’d like to see come out of them? What does a win look like in your marriage? What is a win for you...

Battle Prep

Battle Prep

As we start the year and want to spend time having conversations about how to win the important battles in the right battlefield, our mind we start at the very beginning. With the story of beginnings and seeing what implications that story has on us. And as it comes at the beginning could be significant...

Dealing With Offence – When It is You

Dealing With Offence – When It is You

If we boldly step into community and open ourselves up to people, we will find ourselves in conflict. It is important in our journey of discipleship and becoming like Jesus that we both call people out and be called out. We all get a turn at being the offender and when we are made aware...

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