Partnering with the holy spirit

Partnering with the holy spirit

It’s amazing how the holy spirit works sometimes it may seem confusing and weird but the best way we can live by is partnering with the holy spirit for we are people of the spirit. and the spirit is always working and he shows up.



Living in a world that is changing now and then, we have to learn to transition. we have to move forward to our destiny even though we may not transition well while being taken from glory to glory there’s doubt confusion and fear but we still have to trust in God and move because God...

Lectio Divina – Philippians 4:4-7

Lectio Divina – Philippians 4:4-7

We have been learning so much about prayer, so much about what to do and what not to do when we pray. Jesus is drawing us to the father through his teaching about prayer and the best way to be with the Father is through prayer. it has always been an invitation to intentionally practice...

When you pray, Ask,Ask, and Ask again

When you pray, Ask,Ask, and Ask again

Intercession simply means to petition an authority for something. Should we ask God for things, being that he already knows what we need even before we need them? How should we ask if we should? And does it even make a difference that we do? Jesus knows our prayers make a difference. Your prayer can...

When You Pray, Pray Like This…

When You Pray, Pray Like This…

The followers of Jesus must have noticed something about how Jesus prayed that led them to ask him to teach them how to pray. Even though they were from a culture that had regular prayers, there was something about how Jesus prayed that was different and drew them. It is that Jesus enjoyed prayer. For...

Lectio Divina – Philippians 3:7-14

Lectio Divina – Philippians 3:7-14

We have been learning so much about becoming disciples of Jesus. The Jesus who tells us “Come follow me” cares so deeply about us that He wants to show us where we can find real life. Real life in Jesus is found in our surrender, in counting all things as loss, so that we can...

The Unpopular Message of the Man from Galilee

The Unpopular Message of the Man from Galilee

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” This was an unpopular message of Jesus. In fact, so many people stopped following him when they heard him teach or preach like this. This is a message so unpopular in our culture of self-gratification and do-whatever-you-want...

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

It seems that for Jesus and later the apostles it is never enough to just believe. We are called to believe and put it into practice. To be not just hearers but also doers of God’s word. Practice is an integral part of discipleship and transformation. You do not become all the things God has...

Participating in God

Participating in God

Here is the thing, here is the mystery and good news. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are a new creation. God has already called out of us who he created us to be. When God looks at you he is not seeing anxious Betty, or lustful Edgar or prideful John. No, he is seeing...

Doing what Jesus did

Doing what Jesus did

When we read the accounts of Jesus life, we can read about the way he encountered people wherever he went, and how He brought the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. We can read of Him healing the sick, casting out evil spirits, bringing good news to the poor and justice to the oppressed. When we...