Take Up Your Cross and Walk with Me

Take Up Your Cross and Walk with Me

There is a cost to discipleship. The cost is the cross of self-denial. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, body and strength. Love always costs us something. And we are invited to love God with all we are. It will cost you time, money, habits, and relationships, it will cost you...

War on Lies

War on Lies

When Jesus stood before Pilate and was asked if he was King He famously said that His Kingdom is not of this world instead He was born to testify of truth. For Jesus, the key to Spiritual warfare is being liberated from the devil’s falsehood and deception by the weapon of truth. This is why...

We Are At War

We Are At War

Why does it feel so hard to be faithful to Jesus? Why does it always feel exhausting? Why do you feel worn down in your minds and battered and bruised baRling to stay faithful and not give in to sin? Why does it get so hard to keep saying no to the things your friends...


Lectio Divina – Psalm 16

Keep me safe, O mighty God.     I run to you, my safe place. I said to Yahweh,     “You are my Maker and my Master.     Any good thing you find in me has come from you.” Yahweh, you alone are my inheritance.     You are my prize, my pleasure, and my portion.     You hold my destiny and its...

God: Pure, Good and perfect (James 1:12-27)

God: Pure, Good and perfect (James 1:12-27)

As we dive into the story of the book of James this week, James encourages us not to give up when the journey is hard, he encourages us to hold on. The journey of transformation is about leading us to a place where our desires are formed again into what God intended them to be in...

Even More Upside Down Stuff (James 1:1-11)

Even More Upside Down Stuff (James 1:1-11)

Jesus had a little brother called James. James went from calling Jesus his brother to actually calling Jesus his Messiah. James then wrote a letter to the church which we are starting to look at together as a community. This letter continues to speak about how the things of God can sometimes seem very upside...

The One In Which Is Very Very Small

The One In Which Is Very Very Small

When Jesus teaches us about the Kingdom of God, He calls us to repent and change our worldview. He uses stories to teach us and to cause us to lean in more to what He is meaning. Sometimes we think the Kingdom of God should look or feel a certain way. Yet Jesus teaches us...

The One With The Upside Down Kingdom

The One With The Upside Down Kingdom

The Big Story of the Kingdom of God has been God’s story from the very beginning, and He has always invited us in. Jesus came in-person to explain more about the Kingdom of God, imagine what the people expected to hear Him say. Maybe they expected to hear that He would change society, that He...

The one with the precious pearl and treasure

The one with the precious pearl and treasure

We find and experience the Kingdom of God in different ways. When we pray for the sick and they get healed, the Kingdom of God has come. Sometimes we stumble on the kingdom of God, sometimes we weren’t even searching. Sometimes we find the Kingdom of God breaking out in our day-to-day lives. Jesus is...