Hearing God | Hearing God through the living community – prophecy.

Hearing God | Hearing God through the living community – prophecy.

Hearing God begins with a relationship with Jesus. As we spend time with Him, He speaks to us, often to encourage and build others up. We can test His words by seeking peace, aligning them with scripture, and inviting discernment from others. As we listen, obey, and wait, we grow in faith. Let’s pursue this...

Hearing God | God Speaks Through The Scriptures

Hearing God | God Speaks Through The Scriptures

Hearing God begins with a personal relationship with Jesus. Scripture is one of the primary ways we hear God’s voice, as it is divinely inspired and reveals God’s will. We trust the Bible because Jesus Himself trusted it, frequently quoting and affirming its authority. For Jesus, Scripture was not just a record, but the living...

Hearing God/ God Speaks Through Creation

Hearing God/ God Speaks Through Creation

Creation constantly declares God’s glory, but we often miss His voice in our busy lives. The key to hearing Him in nature lies in knowing His Word. Scripture sharpens our ability to recognize His voice, as creation will never reveal anything about God that isn’t rooted in the Bible.

Into The Story, Galatians | From Slavery To Freedom

Into The Story, Galatians | From Slavery To Freedom

“Paul’s letter to the Galatians reminds us to look beyond the law and embrace grace. When we refuse to forgive or judge others’ character instead of their brokenness, we apply the law. But mercy triumphs over judgment. Mercy reflects God’s heart—restoring and freeing us and others. Let’s choose grace and embody Christ’s love.”

Practicing Hospitality | Eating and Drinking With the Lost

Practicing Hospitality | Eating and Drinking With the Lost

The Mission of Jesus was to seek and to save the lost, his medium was eating and drinking. The Book of Luke has been called the Gospel of Hospitality because Jesus was at a meal heading to one or coming from one. When Jesus ate at Mathew’s, the Tax collectors house he said salvation had...

The Moment We are In | Response to the Unrest in Kenya

The Moment We are In | Response to the Unrest in Kenya

As a church, we remain apolitical yet we are not silent. We stand on the side of Justice. Every Kenyan has a right to peacefully protest and voice their opinions on any issues that touch on their governance. We are convinced that God stands with the poor and the powerless. Jesus was a foreigner in...

Does God Heal Today?

Does God Heal Today?

Today Edgar focuses on the question, “Does God Heal Today?” Does healing happen today? Does God heal today? Yes. Through medical intervention and even through miraculous intervention. Jesus healed out of compassion and two, Jesus healed as a demonstration of the Kingdom of God. He felt people’s pain deeply and it moved him to action....

As God touches our lives, we get to touch others, and Healing is part of it.

As God touches our lives, we get to touch others, and Healing is part of it.

God always uses unimpressive things to bring about the miraculous work of healing, Jesus refers to Gods healing coming in unexpected ways, He went about healing and proclaiming the kingdom of God  and as disciples of Jesus we are a conduit of Gods work, we can bring someone else to Jesus so that Jesus can...

Rule of Life | Silence and Solitude

Rule of Life | Silence and Solitude

For Jesus, it was common practice to withdraw from the crowds, go to a lonely place, and quietly be with God. This is one of the core practices of the way of Jesus. It is one of the places we get healing for our souls as we just sit beheld in the father’s loving-kindness.

A Community of Honor

A Community of Honor

Honour is a big deal in the Kingdom of God. Honour is what sustains relationships. We can only follow Jesus well in community. How can we honour each other when the culture of our day is one of contempt, anger and resentment? How can we, in Paul’s words, “outdo each other in honour”? We cannot...