Jesus came and did what the first Adam failed at. He conquered the devil. Through his life, ministry and finally death and resurrection. And this victory was a victory for us all. Yet, it was not just a victory for us but also a showing us how to fight and win. If we want the...
Sermon Tag: <span>Slow Kingdom Coming</span>
Even More Upside Down Stuff (James 1:1-11)
Jesus had a little brother called James. James went from calling Jesus his brother to actually calling Jesus his Messiah. James then wrote a letter to the church which we are starting to look at together as a community. This letter continues to speak about how the things of God can sometimes seem very upside...
The One With Un-shrunk Cloth And Wineskins
Jesus is making a beautiful invitation, inviting us into the Kingdom of God. He is also calling us to respond, there has to be a response on our part. God has done the heavy lifting, the Father has made the first move. Our response to entering into the Kingdom of God will take shedding away...
The One With The Upside Down Kingdom
The Big Story of the Kingdom of God has been God’s story from the very beginning, and He has always invited us in. Jesus came in-person to explain more about the Kingdom of God, imagine what the people expected to hear Him say. Maybe they expected to hear that He would change society, that He...
Stuck on the Cross of GoodFriday on Sunday Morning
This Easter Sunday is special one. The world seems stuck on the cross of GoodFriday while celebrating resurrection Sunday. COVID-19 cases still growing, death tolls rising and economies struggling to reopen while keeping public health safety rules. Yet our faith, like the life of Jesus, reaches its crescendo at both the cross and resurrection. This...
Slow Kingdom Coming
From the time the seed of the Kingdom is planted to when the fruits are seen there is ‘the meantime’. How do we hang on in that tension? In that radicle middle? We keep hoping, we keep praying, we keep waiting. And We keep looking at what God is doing in the meantime. It is...