Remember The Sabbath | Rest Is Warfare

Remember The Sabbath | Rest Is Warfare

Sabbath trains our hearts to live in the truth that we are way more than what we produce, we are who we are loved by. The Systems of the world, the devil and our flesh wants to keep us as slaves of productivity and desire. Sabbath is warfare against that. In the end, a people...

Being the Church | Radically Bear His Name

Being the Church | Radically Bear His Name

As Jesus was about to be arrested, he prayed for the disciples and what would become the church. In Jesus’ prayer, he reveals what his mission was, to reveal God’s Name. And now he would be leaving his disciples in the world. The job is the same. We are to be, a Kingdom of priests...

The One With Un-shrunk Cloth And Wineskins

The One With Un-shrunk Cloth And Wineskins

Jesus is making a beautiful invitation, inviting us into the Kingdom of God. He is also calling us to respond, there has to be a response on our part. God has done the heavy lifting, the Father has made the first move. Our response to entering into the Kingdom of God will take shedding away...

The One About The Big Party.

The One About The Big Party.

The Biggest story Jesus is calling us into is the kingdom of God, and the king himself has opened his door to each and every one of us. We are all invited into the great party where the lord is the host and he has brought all there is needed, you just need to be...

When You Pray, Pray Like This…

When You Pray, Pray Like This…

The followers of Jesus must have noticed something about how Jesus prayed that led them to ask him to teach them how to pray. Even though they were from a culture that had regular prayers, there was something about how Jesus prayed that was different and drew them. It is that Jesus enjoyed prayer. For...

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

It seems that for Jesus and later the apostles it is never enough to just believe. We are called to believe and put it into practice. To be not just hearers but also doers of God’s word. Practice is an integral part of discipleship and transformation. You do not become all the things God has...

Feast of Ascension

Feast of Ascension

On ascension day, Jesus gathers his disciples and friends and declares that he has been given all authority and power and then gives them instructions. To go, make disciples and baptise them and teach them to speak the Kingdom of God and  demonstrate the Kingdom of God. These things are a question of obedience for...

Your Worst Foot Forward

Your Worst Foot Forward

Jesus did not come into the world to point a finger at us and tell us all about the mess we already know we are. Instead, he came to offer Himself to us. To trust him is to get saved which is bigger than just about souls going to heaven. It is about healing for...

When God moves in, He changes everything

When God moves in, He changes everything

Jesus central message was an invitation to a life in the Kingdom of God. Life in the Kingdom of God is worth everything that once we find it we willingly give up everything we have been to that point to acquire it. Every time the power of God breaks through, he changes everything. Our convictions,...

Come to The Table

Come to The Table

If you ask Jesus who he would like to have invited to dinner, his answer would be, YOU. Jesus is the true host. He often told stories of how the Kingdom of God is a like party that a King would host and invite all the people no one ever thought would be on any...

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