Stuck on the Cross of GoodFriday on Sunday Morning

Stuck on the Cross of GoodFriday on Sunday Morning

This Easter Sunday is special one. The world seems stuck on the cross of GoodFriday while celebrating resurrection Sunday. COVID-19 cases still growing, death tolls rising and economies struggling to reopen while keeping public health safety rules. Yet our faith, like the life of Jesus, reaches its crescendo at both the cross and resurrection. This...

Being Present Where Your Feet Stand

Being Present Where Your Feet Stand

This Holy Week we are led in devotion by Adam Mosley one of our friends. It is easier to be in one season while expecting and looking forward to the next and even more now in what seems like a dark season. How about leaning in to this season since it is where we are....

It’s Only Friday

It’s Only Friday

Today we are faced with uncertainty. It’s easy to give in to fear because we do not know what the outcome will be, and how long this will last. The very first Palm Sunday led to a very dark week for Jesus. He entered Jerusalem to shouts of praise knowing too well that the week...

Freedom from Fear

Freedom from Fear

Jesus leading his life towards the cross for our complete freedom and us becoming sons and daughters of God leaves on this trail freedoms for us to experience. He calms a stormy sea showing that he has power over nature which means as God’s children we do not have to fear things that happen in...

Freedom From Sin

Freedom From Sin

Jesus lived his life towards the cross. Each day leaving us glimpses of the freedom he was going to win for us at the cross and at his resurrection. Today on our Lent Journey, the trail to Freedom, we talk about the forgiveness Jesus offers to all of us. Jesus met a paralysed man immediately...

Sons and Daughters

Sons and Daughters

Often in church we say that we are children of God which is really true when we accept Jesus. But how often do we really liv our lives from that place of being in God’s family? In freedom? We are not guests, we are not workers or slaves, we are sons and daughters because of...

Raised in Promise

Raised in Promise

God always leaves seeds of promise in our most broken places. Surprisingly, even when death snatches life, there is usually an explosion of life in that moment as people see the life and beauty that the person we have lost actually had without being blinded by focusing on their weaknesses and brokenness. What then would...

Sown In Weakness

Sown In Weakness

God has always used the most unlikely people. From Noah to Abraham. From David to Rahab. None of them had anything to offer God and were chosen to be part of God’s story and as such only God gets the credit. You are not discounted either just because you think you have nothing to offer.

Free and Boundless

Free and Boundless

God Goodness is free and Boundless. He has no challenger, nothing can limit him and no one can contain Him. The invitation is to allow the Holy Spirit to make us aware of God’s Goodness. To be able to see signs and evidence of God’s goodness all around us like bread crumbs all over the place....

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