Fasting is a joyful act of surrender, aligning body, mind, and spirit to draw closer to God in devotion and dependence.
Sermon Tag: <span>Lent</span>
Rule of Life | Silence and Solitude
For Jesus, it was common practice to withdraw from the crowds, go to a lonely place, and quietly be with God. This is one of the core practices of the way of Jesus. It is one of the places we get healing for our souls as we just sit beheld in the father’s loving-kindness.
Take Up Your Cross and Walk with Me
There is a cost to discipleship. The cost is the cross of self-denial. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, body and strength. Love always costs us something. And we are invited to love God with all we are. It will cost you time, money, habits, and relationships, it will cost you...
War on Lies; A Luta Continua
The enemy’s go-to strategy is lies. How do we then fight the enemy’s lies? It is by Spirit and truth that we are formed into the image of Jesus. This is why the enemy is always trying to isolate people from the Spirit of God and community before filling them with lies. In our super...
Know Your Enemy
Paul encourages that we stand firm so that we may withstand the schemes of the enemy. To do Spiritual warfare well, we need to know our enemy. The devil’s main goal is to destroy all that is good. He afflicts both humanity and creation, being the source of sickness and death, natural calamity and chaos...
Lectio Divina – 1 Corinthians 15
Jesus resurrection is also the first fruit of the resurrection of all those who believe. Does this truth offer you hope in a year of grief and loss of even the life of those we have loved? Flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom of God. What ways of the flesh, sin, are you...
Changed. Mind.
All those who have put their trust in Jesus have been made new creation. God is renewing creation and He has started with you. This is how God sees us. And for us to step into this reality, we must have our minds renewed too. If we are to live our lives as new creation,...
Changed. Identity.
During this season of Lent we are reflecting on the sacrifice Jesus made for us, and how it changes us. Our identity is changed when we open our hearts to Jesus and His Holy Spirit comes and dwells within us, revealing to us that we are children of our Father God. What does it mean...
I. Am. Changed (Intro)
This is the first Sunday of Lent. Lent is the 40 day period that started last Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, that lead up to Easter. Now, the “Lord” I’m referring to is the Holy Spirit, and wherever he is Lord, there is freedom. We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our...
Communion for the family
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