When you pray, Ask,Ask, and Ask again

When you pray, Ask,Ask, and Ask again

Intercession simply means to petition an authority for something. Should we ask God for things, being that he already knows what we need even before we need them? How should we ask if we should? And does it even make a difference that we do? Jesus knows our prayers make a difference. Your prayer can...

Lectio Divina – Philippians 3:7-14

Lectio Divina – Philippians 3:7-14

We have been learning so much about becoming disciples of Jesus. The Jesus who tells us “Come follow me” cares so deeply about us that He wants to show us where we can find real life. Real life in Jesus is found in our surrender, in counting all things as loss, so that we can...



Jesus has been inviting us To follow Him and become his disciples and learn from him so that we can find rest. But The biggest impediment that hinders people from following Jesus is hurry.it is the greatest enemy of spiritual life in our day the evidence of our souls being hurried is how busy we...

The Unpopular Message of the Man from Galilee

The Unpopular Message of the Man from Galilee

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” This was an unpopular message of Jesus. In fact, so many people stopped following him when they heard him teach or preach like this. This is a message so unpopular in our culture of self-gratification and do-whatever-you-want...

Greatest Invitation Ever Made

Greatest Invitation Ever Made

As we spend our time with Jesus, as we obey Him and not ourselves and our cultures through the power of the Holy Spirit we become like Jesus. Our demeanor and desires begin to even be replaced. Everything we see in Jesus. The life we see in Jesus that we so desire we soon become that. Jesus had no anxiety, completely at peace. Jesus was full of joy. He was full of faith even in trying times. Jesus was completely one with the father. He was patient, gentle, good. Everything that we desire in Jesus as we spend time with him in obedience we become through the power of the Holy Spirit. Yet here is the catch, we cannot desire the life but not the lifestyle of Jesus. The life we see in Jesus is a result of his lifestyle. That is why he invites us to apprentice under him. He literally is inviting us to take his lifestyle upon us.

What’s The Purpose of the Church?

What’s The Purpose of the Church?

The church is may change how to do church but we should never change our ‘why’. If so, we must accept that we are doing something entirely different. So why does the church exist? To point the world to Jesus as the fulfilment of Scripture, all of God’s promises. And the promise of God is...

Hope Has Come With Joy

Hope Has Come With Joy

Jesus’ Birth was the entry of true hope into the world. It came with so much joy that even heaven could not contain it. A choir of angels is seen celebrating the advent of hope, true hope, on earth. Glory to God in the highest they sang. God honoured poor shepherds whom society considered of...

Anchored in Unchanging Hope

Anchored in Unchanging Hope

What do we do when change around is overwhelming? We can anchor ourselves in unchanging Hope. The hope we get from the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We can rest in the promise that Good and better things are yet to come and ultimately the Kingdom of God in its fullness. One way we surely do...

Feast of Ascension

Feast of Ascension

On ascension day, Jesus gathers his disciples and friends and declares that he has been given all authority and power and then gives them instructions. To go, make disciples and baptise them and teach them to speak the Kingdom of God and  demonstrate the Kingdom of God. These things are a question of obedience for...