Hearing God/ God Speaks Through Creation

Hearing God/ God Speaks Through Creation

Creation constantly declares God’s glory, but we often miss His voice in our busy lives. The key to hearing Him in nature lies in knowing His Word. Scripture sharpens our ability to recognize His voice, as creation will never reveal anything about God that isn’t rooted in the Bible.

Community Life in the Kingdom / Panel Interview

Community Life in the Kingdom / Panel Interview

“During our Community Life in the Kingdom series, we hosted a special panel interview with members of our community groups. Each person shared heartfelt stories of how being part of a community has impacted their lives—offering support, fostering spiritual growth, and creating a sense of belonging. It was a beautiful reminder of how God works...

Practicing Hospitality | Eating and Drinking With the Lost

Practicing Hospitality | Eating and Drinking With the Lost

The Mission of Jesus was to seek and to save the lost, his medium was eating and drinking. The Book of Luke has been called the Gospel of Hospitality because Jesus was at a meal heading to one or coming from one. When Jesus ate at Mathew’s, the Tax collectors house he said salvation had...

Being the Church | Radically Bear His Name

Being the Church | Radically Bear His Name

As Jesus was about to be arrested, he prayed for the disciples and what would become the church. In Jesus’ prayer, he reveals what his mission was, to reveal God’s Name. And now he would be leaving his disciples in the world. The job is the same. We are to be, a Kingdom of priests...

Being The Church | Radically Naturally Supernatural

Being The Church | Radically Naturally Supernatural

God will meet you in the ordinary things of life if you are just obedient and open to and expectant that ordinary moments can turn into incredible Kindom moments. Pentecost was just like any other they had celebrated each year as Jews, however this one was different. They were obedient to Jesus’ instructions and were...

Does God Heal Today?

Does God Heal Today?

Today Edgar focuses on the question, “Does God Heal Today?” Does healing happen today? Does God heal today? Yes. Through medical intervention and even through miraculous intervention. Jesus healed out of compassion and two, Jesus healed as a demonstration of the Kingdom of God. He felt people’s pain deeply and it moved him to action....

Healing and Its Place In Our Discipleship to Jesus.

Healing and Its Place In Our Discipleship to Jesus.

Healing held significant prominence in Jesus’ ministry, embodying a fundamental aspect of his teachings. Following Jesus involves a profound commitment to healing – an integral component of embracing the discipleship journey. Discipleship takes form through emulating the Master’s actions, fostering an environment where we, as a community, maintain a steadfast belief in Jesus’ healing power....


Devotion to the King and His Kingdom

Again, Kenya is a few weeks to its big elections. We are not to be unengaged but our engagement is to be different. It is incidental who wins the elections. Because for us, it is settled in Heaven and on Earth who is our King and we are called to be fully devoted to Jesus...

God in us all | The Promise that Excited Jesus

God in us all | The Promise that Excited Jesus

Jesus was very excited as he talked about us receiving the Holy Spirit. This promise excited him, that as it was always to be from the beginning, God would be in all of us. That our bodies would be temples of the Holy Spirit, filled with the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord. We would contain...

It Is Good News To The Poor, Always (James 2)

It Is Good News To The Poor, Always (James 2)

The book of James continues to teach and challenge us. We see how the way in which we speak to one another reflects what is going on in the heart. We are also encouraged to look at how we respond to the poor. Sometimes this can make us uncomfortable, yet it is so important to...