Hearing God| Hearing God in our souls.

Hearing God| Hearing God in our souls.

Jesus’ encounter with the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) teaches us to listen for God’s voice in our daily lives. In moments of doubt and confusion, we can cultivate a receptive soul, attentive to God’s whispers. Just as the disciples recognized Jesus through their conversation and shared meal, we too can experience...

Hearing God/ God Speaks Through Creation

Hearing God/ God Speaks Through Creation

Creation constantly declares God’s glory, but we often miss His voice in our busy lives. The key to hearing Him in nature lies in knowing His Word. Scripture sharpens our ability to recognize His voice, as creation will never reveal anything about God that isn’t rooted in the Bible.

Hearing God / God Speaks Through The living Word: Jesus

Hearing God / God Speaks Through The living Word: Jesus

Today, we explore the profound truth that the sheep know His voice, and He knows His sheep. How can we truly learn to hear God speaking? In a world filled with noise and distractions, discerning His voice can seem challenging. Yet, the invitation is clear—God is speaking, and He desires us to hear Him.

Advent Series: Remembrance and Joy in the Waiting

Advent Series: Remembrance and Joy in the Waiting

As we journey through this Advent season, we are invited to reflect on the profound joy that comes from remembering God’s promises. In times of waiting, it’s easy to feel weary or uncertain, but Advent reminds us to hold on to the hope and assurance found in God’s faithfulness. Even in the waiting, we are...

Keeping The Sabbath | Stop To Celebrate

Keeping The Sabbath | Stop To Celebrate

The Sabbath is a day of rest, worship, and celebration rooted in the rhythm of creation. It is a gift from God, not just a commandment, where one is invited to disengage from work and activities that create desire. Instead, the Sabbath is a time to engage in worship, gratitude, and joyful celebration. The importance...

The Extraordinary Within Ordinary Moments

The Extraordinary Within Ordinary Moments

In this deeply profound sermon, we take a reflective journey back to Pentecost Sunday, the birth of the Christian Church, exploring its global genesis and the significance of this transformative period. In celebration of fifty years of the Vineyard Movement and ten dedicated years of Trinity Vineyard, we delve into our shared responsibility to embody...

Being The Church | Radically Naturally Supernatural

Being The Church | Radically Naturally Supernatural

God will meet you in the ordinary things of life if you are just obedient and open to and expectant that ordinary moments can turn into incredible Kindom moments. Pentecost was just like any other they had celebrated each year as Jews, however this one was different. They were obedient to Jesus’ instructions and were...

As God touches our lives, we get to touch others, and Healing is part of it.

As God touches our lives, we get to touch others, and Healing is part of it.

God always uses unimpressive things to bring about the miraculous work of healing, Jesus refers to Gods healing coming in unexpected ways, He went about healing and proclaiming the kingdom of God  and as disciples of Jesus we are a conduit of Gods work, we can bring someone else to Jesus so that Jesus can...

Looking Back to Move Forward | God is in the Business of Redeeming Stories

Looking Back to Move Forward | God is in the Business of Redeeming Stories

Even satan participated as a witness that things can change he tempted Jesus to change /turn stone to bread, all things can change under certain conditions, what you now see is waiting for you to initiate a condition for it to change. if we just call the situation and stop there that is lamentation but...

Lectio Divina Psalms 145:8-13

Lectio Divina Psalms 145:8-13

As recipients of God’s grace and love the constant invitation is to become the messengers of Gods grace, speaking of the glory of His kingdom, making known His mighty acts.God’s compassion is given to “all that he has made.” Just as God’s own creation is the recipient of God’s compassion, so it is the creation,...

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