Confessions in Confinement

Confessions in Confinement

There is something about times of confinement and contraction that exposes our faith and what it is made of. We get to see our true confession. So some of the things we just believed out of the social pressure of corporate worship are being revealed in times of separation from each other. Today we look...

God of all Comfort

God of all Comfort

After Jesus is raised from the dead one of the first things he does is appear to his disciples to comfort them. Mary sees him and thinks it is the gardener. Contrary to the Christmas story with angles singing in the skies and a big star leading people. Resurrection seems to be very low key...

Slow Kingdom Coming

Slow Kingdom Coming

From the time the seed of the Kingdom is planted to when the fruits are seen there is ‘the meantime’. How do we hang on in that tension? In that radicle middle? We keep hoping, we keep praying, we keep waiting. And We keep looking at what God is doing in the meantime. It is...

The Story of the Kingdom of God is Too Good and It’s True

The Story of the Kingdom of God is Too Good and It’s True

Jesus invites people to change their mindsets and belive the Good News of the Kingdom of God. And the world needs hope, the world is looking for God. Our souls are in need of breathing. But we often sometimes have ideas, attitudes, mindsets grown from our culture that make us unable to participate in the...

Raised in Promise

Raised in Promise

God always leaves seeds of promise in our most broken places. Surprisingly, even when death snatches life, there is usually an explosion of life in that moment as people see the life and beauty that the person we have lost actually had without being blinded by focusing on their weaknesses and brokenness. What then would...

We Trust God for Everything

We Trust God for Everything

We are called to be a church of the Kingdom of God. What that means is that we will Trust God for everything. We long to see God’s Justice here on the Earth, God’s life here on the Earth and the demonstration of God’s power here on the Earth just as it is in Heaven....

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