What is generational sin? How does it work? Why is it so important to know the sins of our past generations? These questions are answered along with so much more packed into this message.
Sermon Tag: <span>Hope</span>
Breaking Chains | Soulties
Jesus wants us to be free. But what about when people affect us negatively? How do we deal with negative influences in the spiritual realm?
Into The Story, Galatians | From Slavery To Freedom
“Paul’s letter to the Galatians reminds us to look beyond the law and embrace grace. When we refuse to forgive or judge others’ character instead of their brokenness, we apply the law. But mercy triumphs over judgment. Mercy reflects God’s heart—restoring and freeing us and others. Let’s choose grace and embody Christ’s love.”
Remember The Sabbath | Gift, Rhythm and Commandment
A time to stop and rest, the Sabbath is firstly a gift from God and a rhythm in creation before it is a commandment . Keeping the Sabbath can be life giving. And so as God rested he was equally creating and baking into the rhythm of creation itself Sabbath Rest.
As God touches our lives, we get to touch others, and Healing is part of it.
God always uses unimpressive things to bring about the miraculous work of healing, Jesus refers to Gods healing coming in unexpected ways, He went about healing and proclaiming the kingdom of God and as disciples of Jesus we are a conduit of Gods work, we can bring someone else to Jesus so that Jesus can...
Pesence is What Heals Shame
Every time we live life forgetting God, shame enters the story, we keep asking “who am I”? when we forget the character of God, we are not sure we can trust him, but God responds by giving us his presence. he says I am Elohim of your fathers all those stories you head it’s all...
Looking Back to Move Forward | God is in the Business of Redeeming Stories
Even satan participated as a witness that things can change he tempted Jesus to change /turn stone to bread, all things can change under certain conditions, what you now see is waiting for you to initiate a condition for it to change. if we just call the situation and stop there that is lamentation but...
In the midst of turmoil and tribulation, we are required to stand firm and hold firmly to our faith, holding on to the truth. when we are faced with trials God is simply shaping us he is refining us to become better people of faith.
Anchored in Unchanging Hope
What do we do when change around is overwhelming? We can anchor ourselves in unchanging Hope. The hope we get from the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We can rest in the promise that Good and better things are yet to come and ultimately the Kingdom of God in its fullness. One way we surely do...
Bringing Grief into Conversation with Jesus.
Grief has been a friend to many this season. The reality of the sense of normal being stripped away, loss of jobs. Even society as a whole has had to deal with grief as we lost things we collectively celebrated. sadly, people have lost loved ones. Some to COVID-19, others to suicide as depression increased...
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