A time to stop and rest, the Sabbath is firstly a gift from God and a rhythm in creation before it is a commandment . Keeping the Sabbath can be life giving. And so as God rested he was equally creating and baking into the rhythm of creation itself Sabbath Rest.
Sermon Tag: <span>Grace</span>
Practicing Hospitality | Eating and Drinking With the Lost
The Mission of Jesus was to seek and to save the lost, his medium was eating and drinking. The Book of Luke has been called the Gospel of Hospitality because Jesus was at a meal heading to one or coming from one. When Jesus ate at Mathew’s, the Tax collectors house he said salvation had...
Pesence is What Heals Shame
Every time we live life forgetting God, shame enters the story, we keep asking “who am I”? when we forget the character of God, we are not sure we can trust him, but God responds by giving us his presence. he says I am Elohim of your fathers all those stories you head it’s all...
Looking Back to Move Forward | God is in the Business of Redeeming Stories
Even satan participated as a witness that things can change he tempted Jesus to change /turn stone to bread, all things can change under certain conditions, what you now see is waiting for you to initiate a condition for it to change. if we just call the situation and stop there that is lamentation but...
Looking Back To Moving Forward: Identity, Father Wounds,Forgiveness
“We have been looking at our family history in our series Looking backward, moving forward. In this interview with a member of our prayer team, we learn how very different the subject of family history can look for some people in our community. This is a very personal story of Gods unfolding plan and a...
It Is Good News To The Poor, Always (James 2)
The book of James continues to teach and challenge us. We see how the way in which we speak to one another reflects what is going on in the heart. We are also encouraged to look at how we respond to the poor. Sometimes this can make us uncomfortable, yet it is so important to...
God: Pure, Good and perfect (James 1:12-27)
As we dive into the story of the book of James this week, James encourages us not to give up when the journey is hard, he encourages us to hold on. The journey of transformation is about leading us to a place where our desires are formed again into what God intended them to be in...
Even More Upside Down Stuff (James 1:1-11)
Jesus had a little brother called James. James went from calling Jesus his brother to actually calling Jesus his Messiah. James then wrote a letter to the church which we are starting to look at together as a community. This letter continues to speak about how the things of God can sometimes seem very upside...
How God interacts with Mankind
God’s grace is a gift and through grace, he interacts with me and you because his grace is at work. the grace we receive is the manifestation of his love to us he has blessed us with every spiritual blessing if we believe.
Restoration for Breakfast
After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to hundreds of people. Encounters that completely changed their lives. This encounters kicked off the Jesus movement. And these encounters were so important because of the calling of the apostles in the coming future as leaders of the church and sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom from Jerusalem, to Judea...
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