Keeping The Sabbath | Stop to Seek God’s Justice

Keeping The Sabbath | Stop to Seek God’s Justice

We reach a place of “enough” when we realize that it’s not about what we have, but who we have. We practice contentment by learning to say “stop.” We pause from our work and desires for one day, observing the Sabbath. This day of rest is not just for ourselves, but also a way to...

Practicing Hospitality | Eating and Drinking With the Lost

Practicing Hospitality | Eating and Drinking With the Lost

The Mission of Jesus was to seek and to save the lost, his medium was eating and drinking. The Book of Luke has been called the Gospel of Hospitality because Jesus was at a meal heading to one or coming from one. When Jesus ate at Mathew’s, the Tax collectors house he said salvation had...

It Is Good News To The Poor, Always (James 2)

It Is Good News To The Poor, Always (James 2)

The book of James continues to teach and challenge us. We see how the way in which we speak to one another reflects what is going on in the heart. We are also encouraged to look at how we respond to the poor. Sometimes this can make us uncomfortable, yet it is so important to...

God: Pure, Good and perfect (James 1:12-27)

God: Pure, Good and perfect (James 1:12-27)

As we dive into the story of the book of James this week, James encourages us not to give up when the journey is hard, he encourages us to hold on. The journey of transformation is about leading us to a place where our desires are formed again into what God intended them to be in...

Beating Shame, the Identity Thief

Beating Shame, the Identity Thief

As believers, we are sons and daughters of God. As sons and daughters, we are co-heirs with Jesus and have our inheritance in God. Sadly, shame keeps so many people from stepping into their identity. Yet shame is such a commonplace for so many people in the world and sadly even more in church. In...

Devoted to Generosity

Devoted to Generosity

The early church devoted itself to generosity. It was radical, habitual and spontaneous. They gave to everyone and anyone. They even sold possessions so that they could have something to give to those in need. This the church continued to do even as it spread across the globe. The thing is, generosity is a reflection...

Family Business Part 3

Family Business Part 3

Responding to the physical felt needs of our community is part of showing compassion on the world around us. It is as spiritual as praying for the sick and sharing the good news. And all it takes is opening our eyes to see the world around us. The unemployed, those who cannot afford shelter, healthcare...

Generous Living

Generous Living

The story of beginnings has this beautiful portion where God invites his just created friends to be fruitful and multiply and take dominion of the world around them. This beautiful part of our story can be used sometimes as the reason for humanities destructive behavior around us. But what if it was rather an invitation...

We Trust God for Everything

We Trust God for Everything

We are called to be a church of the Kingdom of God. What that means is that we will Trust God for everything. We long to see God’s Justice here on the Earth, God’s life here on the Earth and the demonstration of God’s power here on the Earth just as it is in Heaven....