Your Worst Foot Forward

Your Worst Foot Forward

Jesus did not come into the world to point a finger at us and tell us all about the mess we already know we are. Instead, he came to offer Himself to us. To trust him is to get saved which is bigger than just about souls going to heaven. It is about healing for...

The Un-Mess

The Un-Mess

We all can identify a mess when we see one. And we can see it all around us. All have us have made a mess of ourselves at some point. We all in some way know that there is a standard and no one has met the standard. We all fall short and by far....

Dealing With Offence – When It is You

Dealing With Offence – When It is You

If we boldly step into community and open ourselves up to people, we will find ourselves in conflict. It is important in our journey of discipleship and becoming like Jesus that we both call people out and be called out. We all get a turn at being the offender and when we are made aware...

Life In Community – When You are Offended

Life In Community – When You are Offended

The bottom line is we will offend and hurt each other in community. Let us be bold enough to deal with it. However we feel, we must Honor each other. Honouring each other with the desire being reconciliation. No matter the outcome of the process of reconciliation, we have to choose to forgive those who...