Keep me safe, O mighty God. I run to you, my safe place. I said to Yahweh, “You are my Maker and my Master. Any good thing you find in me has come from you.” Yahweh, you alone are my inheritance. You are my prize, my pleasure, and my portion. You hold my destiny and its...
Sermon Tag: <span>Discipleship</span>
It Is Good News To The Poor, Always (James 2)
The book of James continues to teach and challenge us. We see how the way in which we speak to one another reflects what is going on in the heart. We are also encouraged to look at how we respond to the poor. Sometimes this can make us uncomfortable, yet it is so important to...
The One In Which Is Very Very Small
When Jesus teaches us about the Kingdom of God, He calls us to repent and change our worldview. He uses stories to teach us and to cause us to lean in more to what He is meaning. Sometimes we think the Kingdom of God should look or feel a certain way. Yet Jesus teaches us...
The one with the precious pearl and treasure
We find and experience the Kingdom of God in different ways. When we pray for the sick and they get healed, the Kingdom of God has come. Sometimes we stumble on the kingdom of God, sometimes we weren’t even searching. Sometimes we find the Kingdom of God breaking out in our day-to-day lives. Jesus is...
How God interacts with Mankind
God’s grace is a gift and through grace, he interacts with me and you because his grace is at work. the grace we receive is the manifestation of his love to us he has blessed us with every spiritual blessing if we believe.
When you pray and God is on mute.
Jesus draws us to the loving father, He urges us to seek and pray in confidence, He on multiple occasions said that the father would answer our prayers, but some prayers go unanswered. So why do prayers go unanswered? We are being invited further into the loving father to make us aware of the complexity...
When you pray, Ask,Ask, and Ask again
Intercession simply means to petition an authority for something. Should we ask God for things, being that he already knows what we need even before we need them? How should we ask if we should? And does it even make a difference that we do? Jesus knows our prayers make a difference. Your prayer can...
When you pray, Do not pray like this
It is more important that you pray, even when your prayer is just a phrase, a sentence, a breathe. It is important that you pray because your father in Heaven longs to be with you and prayer is the means through which we experienced life with the father. Jesus teaches a few things about what...
When You Pray, Pray Like This…
The followers of Jesus must have noticed something about how Jesus prayed that led them to ask him to teach them how to pray. Even though they were from a culture that had regular prayers, there was something about how Jesus prayed that was different and drew them. It is that Jesus enjoyed prayer. For...
Lectio Divina – Philippians 3:7-14
We have been learning so much about becoming disciples of Jesus. The Jesus who tells us “Come follow me” cares so deeply about us that He wants to show us where we can find real life. Real life in Jesus is found in our surrender, in counting all things as loss, so that we can...