Anchored in Unchanging Hope

Anchored in Unchanging Hope

What do we do when change around is overwhelming? We can anchor ourselves in unchanging Hope. The hope we get from the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We can rest in the promise that Good and better things are yet to come and ultimately the Kingdom of God in its fullness. One way we surely do...

Bringing Grief into Conversation with Jesus.

Bringing Grief into Conversation with Jesus.

Grief has been a friend to many this season. The reality of the sense of normal being stripped away, loss of jobs. Even society as a whole has had to deal with grief as we lost things we collectively celebrated. sadly, people have lost loved ones. Some to COVID-19, others to suicide as depression increased...

Bringing Anger into Conversation with God

Bringing Anger into Conversation with God

During the pandemic, some people have found themselves angrier and more irritable. Anger is a legitimate human emotion and one that points to something else happening in our hearts while leading us into action. How can we bring anger, when it shows up in our hearts, into conversation with God in order to keep our...

Restoration for Breakfast

Restoration for Breakfast

After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to hundreds of people. Encounters that completely changed their lives. This encounters kicked off the Jesus movement. And these encounters were so important because of the calling of the apostles in the coming future as leaders of the church and sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom from Jerusalem, to Judea...

Confessions in Confinement

Confessions in Confinement

There is something about times of confinement and contraction that exposes our faith and what it is made of. We get to see our true confession. So some of the things we just believed out of the social pressure of corporate worship are being revealed in times of separation from each other. Today we look...

God of all Comfort

God of all Comfort

After Jesus is raised from the dead one of the first things he does is appear to his disciples to comfort them. Mary sees him and thinks it is the gardener. Contrary to the Christmas story with angles singing in the skies and a big star leading people. Resurrection seems to be very low key...

Stuck on the Cross of GoodFriday on Sunday Morning

Stuck on the Cross of GoodFriday on Sunday Morning

This Easter Sunday is special one. The world seems stuck on the cross of GoodFriday while celebrating resurrection Sunday. COVID-19 cases still growing, death tolls rising and economies struggling to reopen while keeping public health safety rules. Yet our faith, like the life of Jesus, reaches its crescendo at both the cross and resurrection. This...

Being Present Where Your Feet Stand

Being Present Where Your Feet Stand

This Holy Week we are led in devotion by Adam Mosley one of our friends. It is easier to be in one season while expecting and looking forward to the next and even more now in what seems like a dark season. How about leaning in to this season since it is where we are....

It’s Only Friday

It’s Only Friday

Today we are faced with uncertainty. It’s easy to give in to fear because we do not know what the outcome will be, and how long this will last. The very first Palm Sunday led to a very dark week for Jesus. He entered Jerusalem to shouts of praise knowing too well that the week...

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