The Kingdom of God has an open invitation to ALL. This makes the Kingdom of God a Kingdom full of diversity. So we Like People Like You. We want to be the church where you will meet people like you and some who are not. Just like Jesus we want to have a very radicle...
Sermon Category: <span>Trinity 101: Foundations of a Great Church</span>
We Trust God for Everything
We are called to be a church of the Kingdom of God. What that means is that we will Trust God for everything. We long to see God’s Justice here on the Earth, God’s life here on the Earth and the demonstration of God’s power here on the Earth just as it is in Heaven....
A Church of the Kingdom
So much we hope for the Kingdom to break through but can only pray as Jesus taught, “May your Kingdom come!” Because we let God do what He can and will do.
A Church That is Different
A Church that Loves God
Essentially Jesus says that everything is hinged on LOVE. That no matter what you do, no matter what law you are keeping that they have to be hinged on a love for God and a genuine love and concern for the other person.
A Church that is Radically Inclusive
As a radically inclusive church, we are multi-cultural, multi-theological, and multi-political. We lean into our differences, rather than trying to make everyone become like us. We welcome a variety of life experiences, of perspectives, of traditions, and thoughts. We want very much for this community to be a place where people feel valued for who...
A Church Focused on Jesus
If we’re focused on Jesus, then we’ll welcome people who don’t tick our boxes – who are different from us. Some of Jesus’ most harsh words were reserved for those who didn’t welcome outsiders.