Made For Service

Made For Service

esus, the God man, our creator, sustainer, son of the living God, lay down his life for you and me. You see, we have no excuse. We can’t turn around and claim we don’t know what love is. We aren’t under any false romantic illusions. We know exactly what love looks like.

Made For Service

Made For Service

Noah Gitau talks to us about how God created us to serve Him by serving others and talks about ways in which we do that.

Made For Vulnerability

Made For Vulnerability

We were all created for connection. God created us in His image to be in communion with Him but what keeps us from that connection is a lack of vulnerability.

Holy Rest For Holy Work

Holy Rest For Holy Work

We have been called individually and as a community to join God in what he is doing in Nakuru and the cities we find ourselves in. To do this holy work, we need to rest. Rest is how we get things done.

Parting Instructions

Parting Instructions

Adam Mosley Revisits the Purpose for the existence of Trinity Vineyard Church Nakuru. Talks about being a God-centered community rich in diversity, bringing life to the city of Nakuru.