Raised in Promise

Raised in Promise

God always leaves seeds of promise in our most broken places. Surprisingly, even when death snatches life, there is usually an explosion of life in that moment as people see the life and beauty that the person we have lost actually had without being blinded by focusing on their weaknesses and brokenness. What then would...

Sown In Weakness

Sown In Weakness

God has always used the most unlikely people. From Noah to Abraham. From David to Rahab. None of them had anything to offer God and were chosen to be part of God’s story and as such only God gets the credit. You are not discounted either just because you think you have nothing to offer.

Free and Boundless

Free and Boundless

God Goodness is free and Boundless. He has no challenger, nothing can limit him and no one can contain Him. The invitation is to allow the Holy Spirit to make us aware of God’s Goodness. To be able to see signs and evidence of God’s goodness all around us like bread crumbs all over the place....