Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Highest will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
Sermon Category: <span>Battlefield: Fighting the flesh the world the devil</span>
The Man Who Conquered the Devil
Jesus came and did what the first Adam failed at. He conquered the devil. Through his life, ministry and finally death and resurrection. And this victory was a victory for us all. Yet, it was not just a victory for us but also a showing us how to fight and win. If we want the...
Take Up Your Cross and Walk with Me
There is a cost to discipleship. The cost is the cross of self-denial. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, body and strength. Love always costs us something. And we are invited to love God with all we are. It will cost you time, money, habits, and relationships, it will cost you...
La Résistsnce; Fighting the Ways of the World
The ways of our world are opposed to the way of Jesus. Our cities, cultures and the world will often normalise ways of life that enthrone the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. To love the world is to be God’s enemy. While we are in the...
Behind Enemy Lines; Fighting The World.
Our war in the world is not against human beings. It is not against your conservative brother or liberal sister. It is not even against people who worship differently from you. Neither is it against a government or institution. Instead, we must be aware that there are real spiritual forces behind the ways of the...
War on Lies; A Luta Continua
The enemy’s go-to strategy is lies. How do we then fight the enemy’s lies? It is by Spirit and truth that we are formed into the image of Jesus. This is why the enemy is always trying to isolate people from the Spirit of God and community before filling them with lies. In our super...
War on Lies
When Jesus stood before Pilate and was asked if he was King He famously said that His Kingdom is not of this world instead He was born to testify of truth. For Jesus, the key to Spiritual warfare is being liberated from the devil’s falsehood and deception by the weapon of truth. This is why...
Know Your Enemy
Paul encourages that we stand firm so that we may withstand the schemes of the enemy. To do Spiritual warfare well, we need to know our enemy. The devil’s main goal is to destroy all that is good. He afflicts both humanity and creation, being the source of sickness and death, natural calamity and chaos...
We Are At War
Why does it feel so hard to be faithful to Jesus? Why does it always feel exhausting? Why do you feel worn down in your minds and battered and bruised baRling to stay faithful and not give in to sin? Why does it get so hard to keep saying no to the things your friends...