January 31, 2021

Where’s Jesus? Meeting People One on One

Where’s Jesus? Meeting People One on One

Where is Jesus? Where can we find him? In the accounts of Jesus life we often find him talking to people one on one. Sometimes people we really wouldn’t expect to find Jesus with, yet we learn that Jesus is no respecter of persons. Jesus stopped and cared for those he encountered, answering questions, being patient and showing great love. We sometimes don’t know how to react to the level and depth of Jesus love for us. But when we look more at who Jesus is, and who He made us to be, we find conversation becomes easier. It opens the door for one to one conversations with both Jesus and eachother. What would our cities, countries, and the world look like, if we had more of these meaningful conversations which Jesus had. Even with those who have hurt us or done wrong, like when Peter had denied Jesus. Even then, Jesus still wanted to talk to him. And what He said was quite remarkable. 

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