Why does it feel so hard to be faithful to Jesus? Why does it always feel exhausting? Why do you feel worn down in your minds and battered and bruised baRling to stay faithful and not give in to sin? Why does it get so hard to keep saying no to the things your friends or even family think are normal? And they cannot understand why you do not engage in them? Why does it feel so hard to keep being faithful even around things that a voice inside is telling you nobody has to know about? Could it be because we are in the midst of Spiritual Warfare? According to Jesus, the apostles and the early church, followers of Jesus are in the middle of Spiritual Warfare. One that is not about guns, swords and bombs but a war nonetheless. There is no uncontested space in the world. Our souls have an enemy whose job is to steal, kill and destroy. And our souls have a saviour who offers life and life in all its fullness. Not just a quantity of life after the resurrection but a quality of life that begins here and now.
We Are At War

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