June 7, 2021

The Unpopular Message of the Man from Galilee

The Unpopular Message of the Man from Galilee

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”

This was an unpopular message of Jesus. In fact, so many people stopped following him when they heard him teach or preach like this. This is a message so unpopular in our culture of self-gratification and do-whatever-you-want life of the 21st century the sometimes even the church wants a way around it. Yet Jesus did not mince his words or try to make them more palatable. Jesus knew that the way to real life, the kind of life he offers, Kingdom life, can only be found by crucifying the flesh and its lusts and desires and following him. Making him the centre of our life and who we follow. The good news is the same power that conquered the grave and brought Jesus back to life lives in us through the Holy Spirit. So we can take courage even as we take up our crosses and follow Jesus every day, there is resurrection on the other end and a new life begins even now.

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