September 15, 2019

The Un-Mess

The Un-Mess

We all can identify a mess when we see one. And we can see it all around us. All have us have made a mess of ourselves at some point. We all in some way know that there is a standard and no one has met the standard. We all fall short and by far.

What if the fact that our souls just know what we were meant to be and that we fall short and all around us we can see how the world falls short is a lens and invitation to see God? You see, every time you say no one is perfect you are acknowledging that there is a perfect. You become sharply aware of your and all our shortcoming.

Is it not great news that God would respond in compassion when he looks down on our mess? When Jesus entered the pages of history, no one would have thought that God would move close to a messy people, let alone get into the trenches of their mess with them, yet that is exactly what God in Jesus did. Could you accept God’s compassion on you? COuld you give away the same compassion on all the messy people around you?

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