April 21, 2019

Raised in Promise

Raised in Promise

God always leaves seeds of promise in our most broken places. Surprisingly, even when death snatches life, there is usually an explosion of life in that moment as people see the life and beauty that the person we have lost actually had without being blinded by focusing on their weaknesses and brokenness. What then would happen when Jesus the author of life and the one who is true life dies? Humanity and nature itself cannot deny Him. And even better is what would happen when death has tried all it could and lost and Jesus was raised to life again. The Holy Spirit, the power that raised Him from the dead, is poured out on all of us. Finally, we can have true life before death and forever live in the hope of resurrection. We can then see that in the darkest, ugliest, most broken places of our life God is doing some of His best work.

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