August 4, 2019

Once Before a Time…A Buildup of Kingdom Expectation

Once Before a Time…A Buildup of Kingdom Expectation

From the beginning, Jesus declared the Kingdom of God and from the beginning, the religious leaders of his time wanted to kill him. This is because of what the Kingdom of God meant to them. It was too central an expectation of their lives for anyone who did not seem to cut it to talk about it being fulfilled through him.

However, the challenge was that they had very little expectations of Jesus. They expected a militaristic leader who would restore the Kingdom to Israel when Jesus was inviting all of creation to the Kingdom of God, to restoration to what it was always meant to be. To something that no eye has seen, no ear has had and no mind has conceived. Jesus essentially was declaring that our God is coming, Our God is here

Could we be living a life with very little expectation? Is there more to life in the Kingdom of God than you have settled for? If our God is coming, if our God is here, if the Kingdom of God breaks in anytime, anywhere, what could that mean for you, your family and your city?

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