March 22, 2020

Freedom From Worry

Freedom From Worry

In these uncertain times it might not be fair to just say that things will be okay. We still do not know what we are dealing with. A few things we do know however, are God is in control. His love for us has not changed and his invitation to us to join him in what he is doing has not changed.

We also know that the church has a heritage of loving the world through crisis. Whether created by man or nature. We are living in a moment of history and again the church is being called to not cower in self preservation and instead to rise and with God heal and love the world.

To speak peace into the world we need the Holy Spirit’s peace inside us. to be a non-anxious presence in the world. Only then can we, like Jesus, calm storms around us. But to get there we must give up the illusion of control and focus on God.

We are loose change in God’s pocket and he can use whichever way he wants.

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