March 15, 2020

Freedom from Fear

Freedom from Fear

Jesus leading his life towards the cross for our complete freedom and us becoming sons and daughters of God leaves on this trail freedoms for us to experience. He calms a stormy sea showing that he has power over nature which means as God’s children we do not have to fear things that happen in nature.

The interesting thing is that, he was asleep in the boat as the storm raged. He had a peace inside him that could silence the storm outside. He was in perfect peace held in the father’s arms. His confidence in his identity allows him to be in perfect peace, and only from this place of peace could he speak peace to a storm. The storm did not shake him yet love for his scared disciples moved him.

As the world navigates response to the COVID-19 pandemic Pst. Edgar invites us to allow the Holy Spirit to remind us of our identity as sons and daughters of God which will give us peace even as the storm rages on and as the world panics. And from that place of peace, the church can speak peace to the world. Even as we respond in different ways; caring for affected and infected family, self quarantine, ceasing of meetings and praying for the world, it is not from a place of panic or fear but a place of love for a the world.


“A frightened world needs a fearless church” – A.W Tozer

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