July 5, 2020

Devoted to Sharing Jesus: An Interview with Scott McNamara of Jesus at the Door

Devoted to Sharing Jesus: An Interview with Scott McNamara of Jesus at the Door

Scott, started following Jesus at 24 from a life drugs, illicit sex and all that goes with it. He believed in Jesus but was not interested in following. It is possible to be believing the right things and in the right God but living in the wrong path. So one day after a close shave with death Scott decided to follow Jesus and soon was hired to stand on the corner of a street and talk to people about Jesus. It is on that corner one day that the Holy Spirit gave him a simple tool, Jesus at the door, that can be used to share Jesus with anyone.

Jesus commands his disciples to go make disciples. To share the reason for our hope. This is the great commission. It is a co-mission because we get to partner with the Holy Spirit. He moves, we move. He shakes the tree, we pick the apples. And the harvest is plentiful.

Often times people think sharing Jesus is the mysterious work of the evangelist and only very few can do it. Well, we all get to play. We all have been invited to this. One of the greatest honours is to share the reason for our redemption coz God wants everyone in.

Jesus at the door is a simple tool that demystifies sharing Jesus. All of us can do it.

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