May 12, 2019

All Who are Weak

All Who are Weak

All Authority in Heaven and on Earth has been committed to Jesus. But He approaches authority very differently. Unlike what the world does Jesus does not make people do things or force people into anything. Instead, he invites. He wants life for us and invites us all.  One of His great invitations is to all who are weary and tired. When we come to the honest realization of our poverty. That we could not make it on our own. When we are done with the exhaustion of the systems of this word, we can run to the arms of Jesus to find rest. However, Jesus juxtaposes rest and work. That is because rest is incomplete without work. Work gives us meaning but true meaning can only be drawn from doing the works of Jesus. Essentially, laying down our lives for others. The paradox of life has always been that those who want to save their lives will lose but those how lose their lives will keep it.

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