Hearing God | Hearing God through the living community – prophecy.

Hearing God | Hearing God through the living community – prophecy.

Hearing God begins with a relationship with Jesus. As we spend time with Him, He speaks to us, often to encourage and build others up. We can test His words by seeking peace, aligning them with scripture, and inviting discernment from others. As we listen, obey, and wait, we grow in faith. Let’s pursue this...

Looking Back To Moving Forward: Identity, Father Wounds,Forgiveness

Looking Back To Moving Forward: Identity, Father Wounds,Forgiveness

“We have been looking at our family history in our series Looking backward, moving forward. In this interview with a member of our prayer team, we learn how very different the subject of family history can look for some people in our community. This is a very personal story of Gods unfolding plan and a...

The One With The Upside Down Kingdom

The One With The Upside Down Kingdom

The Big Story of the Kingdom of God has been God’s story from the very beginning, and He has always invited us in. Jesus came in-person to explain more about the Kingdom of God, imagine what the people expected to hear Him say. Maybe they expected to hear that He would change society, that He...

Lectio Divina – Philippians 3:7-14

Lectio Divina – Philippians 3:7-14

We have been learning so much about becoming disciples of Jesus. The Jesus who tells us “Come follow me” cares so deeply about us that He wants to show us where we can find real life. Real life in Jesus is found in our surrender, in counting all things as loss, so that we can...

Doing what Jesus did

Doing what Jesus did

When we read the accounts of Jesus life, we can read about the way he encountered people wherever he went, and how He brought the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. We can read of Him healing the sick, casting out evil spirits, bringing good news to the poor and justice to the oppressed. When we...

Being Like Jesus

Being Like Jesus

Imagine the scene that Jesus has died, he has then been raised back to life and he has told his disciples to go ahead of him his group of friends that by then they were 11,  they had stayed close with him and he invited them to go up on to this mountain with him...

Changed. Identity.

Changed. Identity.

During this season of Lent we are reflecting on the sacrifice Jesus made for us, and how it changes us. Our identity is changed when we open our hearts to Jesus and His Holy Spirit comes and dwells within us, revealing to us that we are children of our Father God. What does it mean...

Where’s Jesus? Meeting People One on One

Where’s Jesus? Meeting People One on One

Where is Jesus? Where can we find him? In the accounts of Jesus life we often find him talking to people one on one. Sometimes people we really wouldn’t expect to find Jesus with, yet we learn that Jesus is no respecter of persons. Jesus stopped and cared for those he encountered, answering questions, being...

Now and Forever

Now and Forever

We were designed to praise God both now and forever. But what does praising God forever mean to us now, in our day to day walk with God? Jesus wanted us to know about forever and sent a message through a guy called John to tell us more about it. The book of Revelation where...

A Sacrifice of Praise

A Sacrifice of Praise

We were designed to praise. When we praise God we find it fits, it is exactly what we were created for. Sometimes, however, it does not come naturally. We find it difficult sometimes to offer up praise and wonder how we even could. In this weeks talk, Joy talks about a sacrifice of praise. An...

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