In a fast-changing world, we desperately look for where to anchor our souls, our identity and our future. Human beings are meant to find somewhere to anchor ourselves so that we are not overwhelmed by the constant change and this year has had so much change in so short a time. We can safely anchor...
Author: Edgar King (Edgar King)
Bringing Grief into Conversation with Jesus.
Grief has been a friend to many this season. The reality of the sense of normal being stripped away, loss of jobs. Even society as a whole has had to deal with grief as we lost things we collectively celebrated. sadly, people have lost loved ones. Some to COVID-19, others to suicide as depression increased...
Bringing Anger into Conversation with God
During the pandemic, some people have found themselves angrier and more irritable. Anger is a legitimate human emotion and one that points to something else happening in our hearts while leading us into action. How can we bring anger, when it shows up in our hearts, into conversation with God in order to keep our...
Brining the realities of our hearts into conversation with Jesus
The Glory of God is people fully alive. Yet whatever the length of time we have followed Jesus, it is easy to get to a point where, if not careful, our hearts atrophy and we can no longer hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. One of the ways to keep our hearts alive and...
A Long Walk of Obedience in the Same Direction
The devotions to scripture, generosity, prayer and worship, gathering, sharing meals and communion can often times seem mundane and uninteresting yet these are the places where our hearts are formed. This is where incarnation happens, the word becomes flesh, earth and heaven meet. It is in the quiet daily life we live where things seem...
Devoted to Sharing Jesus: An Interview with Scott McNamara of Jesus at the Door
Scott, started following Jesus at 24 from a life drugs, illicit sex and all that goes with it. He believed in Jesus but was not interested in following. It is possible to be believing the right things and in the right God but living in the wrong path. So one day after a close shave...
Devoted to Sharing Communion
At the table of communion we meet a vulnerable God. Open enough to tell us that he has longed to share it with us and open in u story say that he wants us to always remember him. At the table of communion, we do not just bring to memory what Jesus did for us,...
Devoted to Generosity
The early church devoted itself to generosity. It was radical, habitual and spontaneous. They gave to everyone and anyone. They even sold possessions so that they could have something to give to those in need. This the church continued to do even as it spread across the globe. The thing is, generosity is a reflection...
Devoted to God’s Word
The early church did everything they could to devote themselves to the teachings of the apostles. This is what shaped their worldview. How they saw God, others and themselves. There are some people who have shape dour history significantly, precisely because they were reliant on and dependent on God’s word. We are living through a...
Racial and tribal reconciliation and the Voice of the African Church: An interview with Alexander Venter
There is a big and important conversation on racism all across the globe and protests everywhere against police brutality even here in Kenya. The church was meant to be the voice for the weak and also be the bringers of peace and reconciliation. Pastor Edgar interviews Alexander Venter a pastor and church planter and...