This is a psalm that would be sung by the nation of Israel during their times of thank-offerings. While making sacrifices of praise. There were celebrations held during the worship times of Israel that included making sacrifices. Sacrifices made, specifically, to praise God and be grateful to him. This is the context in which this...
Author: Edgar King (Edgar King)
Where’s Jesus? On the Streets and at the Party
If You are looking to find Jesus who is life and life in its abundance you will find him as you join him on the streets of the marketplace and at the party. It was never God’s idea that the church retreats into seclusion. Instead, we are to be where the world is even though...
Where’s Jesus? Sitting Quietly, Alone With His Father
We must always engage with the world from a place of having been with the father. Communal worship must overflow from a place of private worship. This is why you find Jesus being led to solitude right before he begins his ministry and throughout his life, you will see him retreat to solitude to pray...
Where’s Jesus? Gathered With the Believers, at the church
We desperately need Jesus coz only he can make us fully alive while ditching the false impression of control. So where is Jesus? Let us have a conversation about where we find Jesus. If Jesus is the source of life and life in all its fullness, then where can we find Jesus? If you are...
Hope Has Come With Joy
Jesus’ Birth was the entry of true hope into the world. It came with so much joy that even heaven could not contain it. A choir of angels is seen celebrating the advent of hope, true hope, on earth. Glory to God in the highest they sang. God honoured poor shepherds whom society considered of...
Beating Shame, the Identity Thief
As believers, we are sons and daughters of God. As sons and daughters, we are co-heirs with Jesus and have our inheritance in God. Sadly, shame keeps so many people from stepping into their identity. Yet shame is such a commonplace for so many people in the world and sadly even more in church. In...
I am God’s Saint, His faithful
For those who have put their faith in Jesus, we get to call God our father. We are adopted into the family of God and nothing can take that away from us. Jesus restores us to glory and lifts our head. All people have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Sin is a glory...
I AM Honoured by God
You know someone is honoured by how someone shows up for them and what expense they spare. You are honoured by God and he demonstrates this by showing up for you and sparing no expense. You have a seat at God’s table. Anything else you think you are, this remains true.
I am in the image of God and fashioned in his likeness
As a man or woman thinks, so they are. We live most of our lives from our sense of identity or lack of it. It determines how we live our lives: How we do family, how we do business, how we love and everything else. Sadly we often live from also identities. How we finish...
Anchored in Unchanging Hope
What do we do when change around is overwhelming? We can anchor ourselves in unchanging Hope. The hope we get from the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We can rest in the promise that Good and better things are yet to come and ultimately the Kingdom of God in its fullness. One way we surely do...