Looking Back to Move Forward | Stories We beleive about Ourselves.

Looking Back to Move Forward | Stories We beleive about Ourselves.

The stories we have believed about ourselves become the identity we live our lives from. We get most of these narrative scripts from our families of Origin. Moving forward requires becoming aware of what narratives we live from and putting them under obedience to Jesus while destroying any that is consistent with the way of...

Looking Back to Move Forward | Generational Sin

Looking Back to Move Forward | Generational Sin

Sin, done by you, to you, or around you, impacts you and those around you. And unless dealt with some of these impacts go from one generation to the other. Who you are today is a direct product of your family of origin, key events in your life, and where you grew up. To move...

Looking Back to Move Forward | Generational Blessing

Looking Back to Move Forward | Generational Blessing

One of the things we inherit from our families of Origin is blessing. All families derive their name from God and He has put something of Him in all of us and some uniquely in each family. And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “Yahweh, Yahweh, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and...

Rule of Life | Silence and Solitude

Rule of Life | Silence and Solitude

For Jesus, it was common practice to withdraw from the crowds, go to a lonely place, and quietly be with God. This is one of the core practices of the way of Jesus. It is one of the places we get healing for our souls as we just sit beheld in the father’s loving-kindness.

Live out a Story Worth Telling

Live out a Story Worth Telling

Our lives are an unfolding story. We write this story one decision at a time. When living out current moments we can oftentimes become myopic and unable to see the ultimate and end up making decisions that are good for the immediate but leave us with stories we are not so proud to tell. How...

You Owe to Yourself to be Honest with Yourself

You Owe to Yourself to be Honest with Yourself

Our Culture’s best advice is to follow one’s heart. But that is never helpful as we have all experienced when later in regrets we ask ourselves, “What was I thinking?”. That is because we easily deceive ourselves when our minds are made up about something. Of our hearts, scripture says they are deceitful above all...


Advent of Joy

Joy is a gift from God, it is also a practice we need to have. As the year ends it is easy to be aware of the disappointments from the year and where you did not see God in the ways you expected. To find joy we need to learn to see the unexpected King. The...

Community of Unity

Community of Unity

We must do all we can to keep the unity of the Spirit. Where there is no unity, dishonour prevails, and the Spirit of God is quenched. It is not enough to just be gifted, it is not enough to just do good works of the Kingdom. A big part of our formation is learning...

A Community of Honor

A Community of Honor

Honour is a big deal in the Kingdom of God. Honour is what sustains relationships. We can only follow Jesus well in community. How can we honour each other when the culture of our day is one of contempt, anger and resentment? How can we, in Paul’s words, “outdo each other in honour”? We cannot...