As a church, we remain apolitical yet we are not silent. We stand on the side of Justice. Every Kenyan has a right to peacefully protest and voice their opinions on any issues that touch on their governance. We are convinced that God stands with the poor and the powerless. Jesus was a foreigner in...
Author: Edgar King (Edgar King)
Being the Church | Radically Bear His Name
As Jesus was about to be arrested, he prayed for the disciples and what would become the church. In Jesus’ prayer, he reveals what his mission was, to reveal God’s Name. And now he would be leaving his disciples in the world. The job is the same. We are to be, a Kingdom of priests...
Being the Church | Radically Bear His Name
As Jesus was about to be arrested, he prayed for the disciples and what would become the church. In Jesus’ prayer, he reveals what his mission was, to reveal God’s Name. And now he would be leaving his disciples in the world. The job is the same. We are to be, a Kingdom of priests...
The Extraordinary Within Ordinary Moments
In this deeply profound sermon, we take a reflective journey back to Pentecost Sunday, the birth of the Christian Church, exploring its global genesis and the significance of this transformative period. In celebration of fifty years of the Vineyard Movement and ten dedicated years of Trinity Vineyard, we delve into our shared responsibility to embody...
Being The Church | Radically Naturally Supernatural
God will meet you in the ordinary things of life if you are just obedient and open to and expectant that ordinary moments can turn into incredible Kindom moments. Pentecost was just like any other they had celebrated each year as Jews, however this one was different. They were obedient to Jesus’ instructions and were...
Here on this Altar | The Heart
We underscore the significance of recognising one’s heart as the ultimate altar, highlighting the necessity of stirrings within the heart that reflect our devotion to God. With insightful anecdotes, this episode eloquently navigates the complexities of worship and our relationship with God. Our goal is to inspire listeners towards a heartfelt honesty in their spiritual...
Does God Heal Today?
Today Edgar focuses on the question, “Does God Heal Today?” Does healing happen today? Does God heal today? Yes. Through medical intervention and even through miraculous intervention. Jesus healed out of compassion and two, Jesus healed as a demonstration of the Kingdom of God. He felt people’s pain deeply and it moved him to action....
As God touches our lives, we get to touch others, and Healing is part of it.
God always uses unimpressive things to bring about the miraculous work of healing, Jesus refers to Gods healing coming in unexpected ways, He went about healing and proclaiming the kingdom of God and as disciples of Jesus we are a conduit of Gods work, we can bring someone else to Jesus so that Jesus can...
Healing and Its Place In Our Discipleship to Jesus.
Healing held significant prominence in Jesus’ ministry, embodying a fundamental aspect of his teachings. Following Jesus involves a profound commitment to healing – an integral component of embracing the discipleship journey. Discipleship takes form through emulating the Master’s actions, fostering an environment where we, as a community, maintain a steadfast belief in Jesus’ healing power....
Pesence is What Heals Shame
Every time we live life forgetting God, shame enters the story, we keep asking “who am I”? when we forget the character of God, we are not sure we can trust him, but God responds by giving us his presence. he says I am Elohim of your fathers all those stories you head it’s all...