Naked and Unashamed

Naked and Unashamed

And when Adam and Eve were with God before this point they trusted God would never hurt them or reject them, they trusted that they were like God

The Return of The King

The Return of The King

This is the tension we live in as believers. You can see who you are And you receive who God is making you to be. You are a new creation and you are still being made new

The Aftermath

The Aftermath

The aftermath of the cross was a new beginning. And you and I are found in the aftermath

V – Day

V – Day

You see the victory of Jesus does not start when he raises from the dead, but at the cross, the cross that was meant to kill is victory, for you, for me, Jesus is becoming King. And he holds everything together.

A Question of Citizenship

A Question of Citizenship

“In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever…



We are called to be with the father so much that our hands and feet will become the hands and feet of Jesus

Rhythm in Rest

Rhythm in Rest

Finding rest allows us to be in relationship with God and community. Fiding rest even in the busisets times allows reminds us that we can only trust in God

A Journey For Us All

A Journey For Us All

We will be a community for the whosoever. No matter what their religious or cultural