The Big Story

The Big Story

Our Narratives influence our lives and the impact we have on others around us. Really, this is God’s story. His is the big story and we are all part of it. There are many other micronarratives that try to get our intention and therefore influence our lives. The only way to recalibrate our narratives is...

Dealing With Offence – When It is You

Dealing With Offence – When It is You

If we boldly step into community and open ourselves up to people, we will find ourselves in conflict. It is important in our journey of discipleship and becoming like Jesus that we both call people out and be called out. We all get a turn at being the offender and when we are made aware...

Living In Community -Conversation on Sexual Assault

Living In Community -Conversation on Sexual Assault

1 in 3 women is sexually assaulted, and so is 1 in 5 men. Most of whom are often under the age of 15 and sometimes even unaware of it. The church has to be a voice for those voiceless and a place where people who have experienced sexual assault find a place for healing...

Life In Community – When You are Offended

Life In Community – When You are Offended

The bottom line is we will offend and hurt each other in community. Let us be bold enough to deal with it. However we feel, we must Honor each other. Honouring each other with the desire being reconciliation. No matter the outcome of the process of reconciliation, we have to choose to forgive those who...

Come to The Table

Come to The Table

If you ask Jesus who he would like to have invited to dinner, his answer would be, YOU. Jesus is the true host. He often told stories of how the Kingdom of God is a like party that a King would host and invite all the people no one ever thought would be on any...

All Who are Weak

All Who are Weak

All Authority in Heaven and on Earth has been committed to Jesus. But He approaches authority very differently. Unlike what the world does Jesus does not make people do things or force people into anything. Instead, he invites. He wants life for us and invites us all.  One of His great invitations is to all...

Raised in Promise

Raised in Promise

God always leaves seeds of promise in our most broken places. Surprisingly, even when death snatches life, there is usually an explosion of life in that moment as people see the life and beauty that the person we have lost actually had without being blinded by focusing on their weaknesses and brokenness. What then would...

Sown In Weakness

Sown In Weakness

God has always used the most unlikely people. From Noah to Abraham. From David to Rahab. None of them had anything to offer God and were chosen to be part of God’s story and as such only God gets the credit. You are not discounted either just because you think you have nothing to offer.

Free and Boundless

Free and Boundless

God Goodness is free and Boundless. He has no challenger, nothing can limit him and no one can contain Him. The invitation is to allow the Holy Spirit to make us aware of God’s Goodness. To be able to see signs and evidence of God’s goodness all around us like bread crumbs all over the place....

One Good Turn Deserves Another

One Good Turn Deserves Another

We have been called to be a God-centered community full of diversity bringing life to the city of Nakuru. In four years Trinity has committed to a radical welcome where people can find God and find friends and find holistic life. We have seen people find faith, people continue their journey with Jesus as others...