God desires for us to grow to become all he has created us to be. Jesus said that those who believe in him would do more than he had done. God sees us as we are meant to be and so really desires growth for us. And we cannot grow outside community. But for communities...
Author: Edgar King (Edgar King)
Skin In The Game
Jesus said that we those who believe in him will do more than he did while on earth. To get to the people God sees us as, we need to grow. To grow we need community because faith is a team sport as opposed to a being a solo mission. And Faith is the kind...
Your Worst Foot Forward
Jesus did not come into the world to point a finger at us and tell us all about the mess we already know we are. Instead, he came to offer Himself to us. To trust him is to get saved which is bigger than just about souls going to heaven. It is about healing for...
The Un-Mess
We all can identify a mess when we see one. And we can see it all around us. All have us have made a mess of ourselves at some point. We all in some way know that there is a standard and no one has met the standard. We all fall short and by far....
Slow Kingdom Coming
From the time the seed of the Kingdom is planted to when the fruits are seen there is ‘the meantime’. How do we hang on in that tension? In that radicle middle? We keep hoping, we keep praying, we keep waiting. And We keep looking at what God is doing in the meantime. It is...
Take Your Place in the Story of the Kingdom
All of creation is waiting, yearning for the time when the children of God will be revealed. The banking sector, the education system, systems of governance and politics: everywhere the world is waiting for people submitted to the Holy Spirit to lead lives of the Kingdom. Some will be known all over, some will only...
The Obey Part
Every time there is nudge in our spirit to step into something to pray for someone, to share something and in our hearts, there is a huge tension, it just could be the God inviting you to something beautiful. This is the tension of the Kingdom of God. Two different realities tagging in our hearts....
The Story of the Kingdom of God is Too Good and It’s True
Jesus invites people to change their mindsets and belive the Good News of the Kingdom of God. And the world needs hope, the world is looking for God. Our souls are in need of breathing. But we often sometimes have ideas, attitudes, mindsets grown from our culture that make us unable to participate in the...
Once Before a Time…A Buildup of Kingdom Expectation
From the beginning, Jesus declared the Kingdom of God and from the beginning, the religious leaders of his time wanted to kill him. This is because of what the Kingdom of God meant to them. It was too central an expectation of their lives for anyone who did not seem to cut it to talk...
When God moves in, He changes everything
Jesus central message was an invitation to a life in the Kingdom of God. Life in the Kingdom of God is worth everything that once we find it we willingly give up everything we have been to that point to acquire it. Every time the power of God breaks through, he changes everything. Our convictions,...